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lima belas bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "lima belas"
  • Hey Pooja do you think fifteen years is fast?
    Hei Pooja menurutmu lima belas tahun cepat?
  • Only fifteen days left for the wedding Pooja
    Hanya lima belas hari tersisa untuk pernikahan Pooja
  • Anything less than fifteen, I'm cuttin' my own throat!
    Kurang dari lima belas, kupotong sendiri leherku!
  • 've Called animal control about fifteen times.
    sudah disebut kontrol hewan sekitar lima belas kali .
  • Fifteen minutes before the assassination, look, he's manic.
    Lima belas menit sebelum pembunuhan, lihat, dia manic.
  • I have fifteen minutes until my next meeting.
    Aku punya lima belas menit sebelum rapat berikutnya.
  • It is been fifteen days since my son left!
    Sudah lima belas hari sejak anakku pergi!
  • Your Honour, Fifteen years ago my client
    Yang Mulia, lima belas tahun yang lalu klien saya
  • Fifteen seconds after the body hit the floor.
    Lima belas detik setelah tubuh membentur lantai.
  • Lai Tifone, a debt you've owed fifteen years.
    Lai Tifone, utangmu selama lima belas tahun,
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